Jesse Tree Ornaments pt 4

Okay, take two folks. Not sure what happened to that last post, sorry! As I was saying, my handmade Christmas presents have been sent off and I’ve been back to working on these bad boys. Made a mistake on the last round–Samuel is day 13, not 12.

Day 12: Ruth Ruth 1:1-2:3, 4:13-2220121214-204739.jpg

Day 13: Samuel (see this post)

Day 14: David 2 Samuel 5:1-520121214-204746.jpg

Day 15: Elijah 1 Kings 18:17-3920121214-204752.jpg
Day 16: New Kingdom Isaiah 11:1-920121214-204759.jpg

Day 17: Jonah Jonah 1, 2:1, 10, 3:1-520121214-204732.jpg

Yes, yes. I know it was a FISH, not a whale that swallowed Jonah. But does it really matter? (And is “whale” even in the Bible? Maybe there wasn’t a word for whale back then?) The important thing is that Jonah was swallowed alive by a sea-dwelling critter, survived three days and was doing well enough to pray for deliverance. Then the dude was puked up on a beach and delivered. Whale? Fish? Who cares!

As we have done our Jesse Tree ornament and story each evening, it’s refreshing to remind ourselves of how faithful our God is to his promises. The same God who promised Abraham that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and that through him all nations would be blessed, is the God who carries out this promise through saving people like Rahab, Ruth and the Ninevites. I hope that Jonathan and Nora remember more than disconnected Bible stories as they grow. I pray that they would know the God who orchestrated the history of the world to show how faithful he is to his promises and to his people.

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3 Responses to Jesse Tree Ornaments pt 4

  1. Jamie Butts says:

    You are doing great, SP! Can’t wait to see more. What a treasure this will be for your family. In case of fire, add it to the list, you know? Grab – your kids, your Bible, your Jesse Tree stuff. 🙂

  2. CC Hall says:

    Hi, Just curious – did you finish the ornaments last year? Or will you be finishing them this year? I would love to see pics of the entire set. Thanks & God bless!

    • acloserpeek says:

      I did finish them, but didn’t get around to a blog post, so sorry! I’ll make sure to take pictures and put them up soon.

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